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Please join Spring Glen Church and Best Video Film & Cultural Center for a special screening of the documentary, BAD FAITH on Sunday, June 9th at 3pm. Admission is free.

BAD FAITH is a must-watch documentary for those who want to learn the history behind the rise of Christian Nationalism in the United States, and the dire implications it could have if they succeed in their goals. This vital and timely documentary tells the disturbing story of the rise of Christian Nationalism in the US and how some are perverting religion to achieve their political goals. The forces tearing apart our democracy have never been more frightening or powerful, but who is actually behind them? BAD FAITH exposes the sinister Christian Nationalism movement and shines a light on its unholy plan to upend the Constitution and impose their version of Biblical law on all Americans. As the 2024 election looms, discover the unsettling influence of Christian Nationalism on the political landscape in BAD FAITH.

Keeping the Faith Campaign is a new initiative of Repairers of the Breach with a focus this year on the New Haven Declaration, encouraging religious leaders to sign the Declaration and launch a season of preaching the moral issues of living wages and union rights, healthcare and ecological justice, an end to the spilling of innocent blood, a reimagination of criminal justice and the protection and expansion of voting rights and equal protection guarantees. We declare that these are the critical and moral issues of the 2024 Presidential election. These are the “weightier matters of the law,” we refuse to be distracted by manufactured controversy on minor matters, even where we honestly disagree.

The Keeping the Faith Campaign calls all people to keep faith with the best of our faith, moral and constitutional principles, and traditions and to do it together! Denominational leaders, Pastors, Rabbis, Imams, and Chaplains of Colleges, Universities, and other institutions, individually or together with others are hosting special screenings of the documentary film BAD FAITH - Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy and using the screenings and brief program to follow as a means of organizing and mobilizing masses of people for the Mass Poor People’s Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and March on Washington and to the POLLS, June 29, 2024.

June 8

SCRT AGT/Death Valley Sun Troopers/Mildly Allergic: Indie Rock

June 11

SCREENING: BRING IT ON (2000/PG-13/1h38m)