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Seth Adam/Little Silver - Singer-Songwriters

Singer-songwriter Seth Adam and his band share the evening with Little Silver at Best Video Film & Cultural Center on Fri., Mar. 31. the show starts at 7 PM and the cover is $10.

Singer/songwriter Seth Adam writes compelling, genuine songs with honest lyrics. Taking musical cues from artists like Counting Crows, Tom Petty, and Jason Isbell, he creates his own brand of edgy, Americana rock & roll with a message. He is currently supporting his latest release, “Fits and Starts and Stops.” Ryan Martin from Jammerzine describes the new album: “Seth Adam builds a stage for his voice and lyrics in a true and masterful form. Taking nods from vintage radio and Americana, Seth douses that with the fuel of rock and the penchant for classic alternative. This is a lesson for songwriters.”

Little Silver is comprised of the indie folk singer-songwriters Erika Simonian and Steve Curtis, with recent accompaniment by Michael Paolucci on drums and Mike Tepper on bass. Of the group’s LP “Somewhere You Found my name,” Rolling Stone wrote, ”The elegantly understated debut from this Brooklyn (now New Haven) band does what great, grown-up indie rock at its best has always done; it maps out states of personal, emotional and historical in-betweenness with careful, intelligent grace.... Songs [...] take their time building from muted beauty to closely held grandeur."

March 28


April 1

Perennial/The Problem with Kids Today - Punk